In one day .. "Top Twitter" lose millions of followers

A change in the social networking site's Twitter policy on Thursday made it more credible for the top 100 site users to lose about two percent of their followers on average, according to the Kehol Foundation.

Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey said the site no longer considered any accounts temporarily closed for follow-up because of suspected fraud. The accounts are temporarily closed from the active user account accounts on a daily and monthly basis on Twitter.

The account is temporarily closed if Twitter detects any unusual behavior such as sudden activity after months of inactivity.

The new policy may really affect some Twitter users because the number of followers is a key element when celebrities and so-called influencers negotiate on the deals with advertisers. But for other users, the number of followers is a source of pride.

With the changes taking effect, the Twitter account lost about 12.4 percent of its follow-up compared with Wednesday, the highest decline among the top 100 on the site, according to data.

Elon Masque's account saw the lowest decline of 0.3 percent, or about 71,000 followers. According to data, each account among the top 100 Twitter users lost an average of 734,000 followers. Twitter said the decline in the entire site accounts would be four on average.

Pop singer Kitty Perry, the most used Twitter follower, lost more than 2.8 million followers on Thursday, or 2.6 percent, from a day earlier. Other artists among the top 100 such as Pink, Mariah Carey, Britney Spears and Eminem saw their followers fall by more than 3 percent.

For his part, US President Donald Trump lost more than 300,000 followers after the new policy was activated. At about 3 pm, Trump had 53.4 million followers, 45 minutes later, with 53.1 million followers.

Accounts of celebrities who lost followers following the campaign of Twitter accounts and phantom suspicious
